


Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Learning Microsoft Word 2007 - Step 12

The Citations and Bibliography section you can automatically generate a bibliography based on the source information that you provide for the document.

Insert Citation Menu
The Insert Citation button lets you cite a book, article, or other information source you need reference for a piece of information you used in your document. Click the Insert Citation button and you will see three options. The first option is Add New Source click on the Add New source selection. The Create Source window opens for you to enter all of your source information. Select your type of source from the drop down menu use the scroll bar to the right to see all of the options. Microsoft uses APA style by default for Citations. Make sure you check to make sure you are set to the correct style before creating your source list. Word 2007 shows only the recommended fields by default if you would like more options check the Show All Bibliography Fields box. Title your source entry in the Tag name field and click OK.
Word 2007 Create Source 

Word 2007 Placeholder Name
The next selection in the Insert Citation button is Add New Place Holder. This can be used to quickly enter a citation entry and edit the information later. Click the Add New Place Holder selection and the Placeholder Name window opens. In this window enter the tag name for your citation and click OK. This will placeholder will be entered into your bibliography page.
Word 2007 Search Libraries
The last selection in the Insert Citation button is Search Libraries. This feature will only work if you are connected to the internet. Click the Search Libraries selection and you will see a side bar window come up on the right hand side of your document. In the Search for section type a key word then press the down arrow next to All Reference Books. You will see a list of all of the types of sources you can search or just leave it to search for all Reference books. Now press enter or click the green arrow. Microsoft Word 2007 will search the internet for you and give you a list of sources to look into.
The next button in the Citations & Bibliography section is Manage Sources. Manage Sources lets you view all of the sources you have listed. Click the Manage Sources button and the Source Manager window opens 
Word 2007 Source manager
In the Source Manager Window the first tool is Search. If you have a long list of sources you can type a key word to help you find your source. The next tool is a menu sort option. Click the down arrow next to Sort by Author and you will be able to change the way your sources are sorted. The next section is Master List. This is a list of all of the sources you have available. The Current list is a list of your sources and placeholders. You can copy sources back and forth between the two lists by clickinig the source and clicking the copy button. You can copy multiple sources by clicking a source holding down the ctrl key on your keyboard and clicking the other sources. To delete a source select it and click the delete button. If you would like to edit a source click on the source then click the edit button. This will open the Edit Source window and you can make any necessary changes. To create a new source click the New button and the Create source window will open for you to enter all of your information. When you are finished click the Close button to return to your document.
Style lets you choose from a large list of formats for your Citations. Click the down arrow next to Style to see your choices.
word 2007 bibliography
The Bibliography button creates a list of all sources in your document. Select either Bibliography or Works Cited from the list of Built-In Bibliographies. This will place your bibliography in your document and use sources you have added with the Manage Sources button. The Insert Bibliography selection at the bottom will work the same way it just won't format the bibliography like the Built-In selections. If you format your bibliography and would like to save the style select save Selection to Bibliography Gallery and the next time you insert a bibliography you will see your style in the Built-In section.
That wraps up the Citations & Bibliography section of the References tab. Click the next arrow to move onto Captions or select another tutorial.


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